
BattleRex: Genghis Khan简介

BattleRex: Genghis Khan
BattleRex: Genghis Khan
BattleRex: Genghis Khan
使用OurPlay PC版在电脑上游玩
* Designed to work on all Android devices. Tablets and mobiles. Android version 3.0 is a minimum. * You complete a scenario by conquering 60 of the 70 provinces in a scenario. NO TURN LIMIT IN FULL VERSION. * Four very big scenarios in the full version (one in the FREE version and a 15 turn time limit). * The full game campaign spans the conquests of Genghis Khan over four scenarios. * 20 factions to defeat and conquer in the full campaign. * Each faction has its own set of units. * Diplomacy system for declaring war when you want to. * Google Play Leaderboards for all difficulty levels. * Google Play Leaderboards for all scenarios and also the full campaign. * Google Play Achievements to unlock if you play good. 18 in total. * Experience points, which level the units. Levelled units have higher attack and defence values. * Zooming features by pinching the screen or clicking the zooming buttons. * Well performing AI. For instance the AI protects its weaker units with the stronger ones. * Autosave at the start of each turn. * Large maps on all the scenarios. * Sounds and music. You can turn off music or/and sound if you want to in settings in the game. * Several difficulty levels to choose from. * AI playing speed can be adjusted to fit your liking. * Overviewmap window where you can get info about the map and current ongoing game. * Hours and hours of fun and challenging gameplay. * Each scenario takes 90-180 turns to play through depending on difficulty and your skill. * The game has been thoroughly tested and bug fixed for many months. . . NOTE: If you are NEW to this kind of game, then please consider starting at the 'Easier' difficulty level. For tips about game strategies in the game, feel free to send questions to our support mail. We will answer as good as we can. . rexopax_android@telia.com . . . More detailed info: . This is a turn based strategy game, in which you play as Genghis Khan. In the first scenario you defeat and unite all the tribes in Mongolia. Not an easy task but you can do it. . In the second scenario you invade to get a taste of its wealth. Maybe you can teach teach the Song Emperor a lesson he will never forget. . In the third scenario you strike westwards into the Khitan empire. You will encounter many tribes who will resist you but you will be victorious. . In the last scenario you attack the muslim Khwarezm Empire north if modern day Iran. You also strike into Iran, northern Afghanistan and parts of modern day Iraq. . !! Release the hordes of horse archers and let the arrows come down like rain upon your enemies !! Great Genghis Khan . . © 2015 … logo, music, game... All rights reserved. *设计工作在所有Android设备。平板电脑和手机。 Android版本3.0是最起码的。 *您通过征服方案中的70个省的60完成一个场景。 NO又会限制在完整版中。 *在完整版四个非常大的情况下(一个免费版本和一个15回合的时间限制)。 *完整的游戏活动跨越了四种方案成吉思汗的征服。 * 20派别击败,并在充分竞选征服。 *每个阵营都有自己的一套单位。 *当你想宣战外交体系。 *谷歌播放排行榜所有难度级别。 *谷歌播放排行榜的所有场景,也充分运动。 *谷歌播放的成就,如果你玩好解锁。共有18项。 *经验值,哪个级别的单位。 Levelled单位有较高的攻击和防御值。 *按捏屏幕或点击缩放按钮,缩放功能。 *表现良好的AI。比如AI保护其较弱的单位谁更强。 *自动保存在每个回合的开始。 *在所有场景大图。 *声音和音乐。您可以关闭音乐和/或如果您在游戏中设置想要的声音。 *一些难度级别可供选择。 * AI播放速度可调节,以适应自己的喜好。 *鹰眼窗口,您可以获取有关地图和目前正在进行的游戏信息。 *时间和乐趣和具有挑战性的游戏时间。 *每个场景需要90-180转向通过根据难度和你的技能发挥。 *该游戏已经彻底的测试和Bug修复了许多个月。 。 。 注意:如果你是新来这种游戏,那么请考虑开始举行的“更轻松”的难易程度。有关游戏的游戏策略提示,随时发送问题到我们的支持邮件。我们将回答一样好,我们可以。 。 rexopax_android@telia.com 。 。 。 更详细的信息: 。 这是一个回合制战略游戏,在其中扮演成吉思汗。在第一种情况下你打败,团结蒙古各部落。不是一件容易的事,但你可以做到这一点。 。 在第二个方案中,您侵略获得其财富的味道。也许你可以教教宋高宗的教训,他永远不会忘记。 。 在第三个方案中,您向西罢工进入契丹帝国。你会遇到许多部落谁将会抵制你,但你将取得胜利。 。 在最后一种情况你攻击花剌子模帝国北部如果现代伊朗。你也罢工进入伊朗,阿富汗北部和现代伊拉克部分地区。 。 !放开骑射手成群,让箭降临,像在你的敌人!雨 伟大的成吉思汗 。 。 ©2015 ...标志,音乐,游戏...保留所有权利。