
Tank War 1990:Battle City games简介

Tank War 1990:Battle City games
Tank War 1990:Battle City games
Tank War 1990:Battle City games
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This is a classic tank war arcade game. This is mobile tank game Ported from FC, GBA This is amazing tank 1990, you must play this game before when you are young. [How to play] Just control your tank to fire. Care to avoid the enemy tank's bullet. Defend your base from enemy tank's attack. [Feature] - Classic retro pixel game - Easy play and good time killer - Total 35 levels - 100% ported from FC [Game detail] The player, controlling a tank, must destroy enemy tanks in each level, which enter the playfield from the top of the screen. The enemy tanks attempt to destroy the player's base (represented on the map as a bird, eagle, or Phoenix), as well as the human tank itself. A level is completed when the player destroys all 20 enemy Tanks, but the game ends if the player's base is destroyed or the player loses all available lives. This game contains 35 different stages that are 13 units wide by 13 units high. Each map contains different types of terrain and obstacles. Examples include brick walls that can be destroyed by having either the player's Tank or an enemy Tank shoot at them, steel walls that can be destroyed by the player if he has collected three or more power-up stars, bushes that hide Tanks under them, ice fields that make it difficult to control Tank and pools of water which cannot be crossed by Tanks. There are four progressively harder types of enemy Tanks. The game becomes more challenging in later levels, as enemy Tanks may act as decoys to lure players away from their base so that another Tank can destroy it. In addition, flashing Tanks could be destroyed for power-ups. There are several types of power-ups: Tank symbol gives an extra life, star improves player's Tank (having one star make shots faster, having two stars allow two simultaneous shots, having three stars allow the player to destroy steel), bomb destroys all visible enemy Tanks, clock freezes all enemy Tanks for a period of time, shovel adds steel walls around the Phoenix for a period of time and shield makes player's Tank invulnerable to attack for a period of time. [More function to be added] -Allow two players to play simultaneously. Both players have to defend the base together, and if one player shoots the other, the friendly fire victim would be unable to move for a while (but can still shoot). -Allow players access to an edit mode where they could create custom levels, and these custom levels can be saved. 这是一个经典的坦克的街机游戏。 这是从FC,GBA移动坦克游戏阀块 这是惊人的坦克1990年,你必须在你年轻的前玩这个游戏。 [怎么玩] 只是控制你的坦克开火。 注意避免敌人坦克的子弹。 从保卫敌人坦克的攻击你的基地。 [特征] - 经典复古的像素游戏 - 易玩和良好的时间杀手 - 共有35个级别 - 100%的FC移植 [游戏详细] 该播放器,控制箱,必须销毁在每个级别敌人的坦克,它从屏幕顶部进入操场。敌人的坦克试图毁掉玩家的基地(图作为一只鸟,鹰,或凤凰为代表),以及人类本身的坦克。当玩家摧毁所有20敌人的坦克,但如果玩家的基地被摧毁游戏就会结束,玩家失去了所有可用的生活A级完成。 这个游戏包含了13个单位的13台高宽35不同的阶段。每个地图包含不同类型的地形和障碍。例子包括可以通过它们具有或者玩家的坦克或敌人的坦克射击被破坏的砖墙,可以被玩家摧毁铜墙铁壁,如果他已经收集了三个或更多的电星星,隐藏在他们的坦克灌木,冰原,使人们难以控制坦克和不能用坦克逾越水池。有四种越来越难类型敌人的坦克。本场比赛成为以后的水平更具挑战性,因为敌人的坦克可以作为诱饵来引诱玩家从自己基地的地方,以便其他坦克可以摧毁它。此外,闪烁的坦克可以被摧毁的力量起坐。 有几种类型的电源ups:坦克符号给出了一个额外的生活,明星提高了玩家的坦克(有一个明星做出手快,有两个明星让两个同时出手,有三颗星允许玩家破坏钢),摧毁所有可见敌人的坦克,时钟冻结所有敌人的坦克进行了一段时间,增加铲周围的凤凰铜墙铁壁​​一段时间和屏蔽,使玩家的坦克无懈可击一段时间。 [添加更多功能] - 允许两名玩家同时游戏。这两名球员有基地一起防守,如果有玩家射击对方,友好的火受害者将无法移动了一段时间(但仍然可以拍摄)。 - 允许玩家进入编辑模式,他们可以创建定制的水平,并且这些定制水平可以被保存。