
Wildbox: Survival Lands简介

Wildbox: Survival Lands
Wildbox: Survival Lands
Wildbox: Survival Lands
使用OurPlay PC版在电脑上游玩
Welcome to the magical lands, full of adventures and dangers. Those who want to stay here longer will have to learn how to survive in these places full of unpredictable events. Each world in the game is unique, landscapes, forests, mountains, animals, enemies - all this for each player will be unique, the task is very simple - to survive as many days as possible in one of such worlds, but it is important to remember - the game world does not stand still , it develops and changes with the player! Forests will grow, populations of animals will change, and camps with zombies will fill the wasteland more and more, try to survive in this world! UNIQUE WORLDS Every world in the game is unique. The island on which the player and will have to survive is generated randomly, so the game worlds can be explored for a long time, visiting more and more new islands and discovering new secrets. FORESTS AND ANIMALS The game offers a variety of options for survival - picking berries, mushrooms, hunting for animals, fishing, each player has the right to decide for themselves which way it will be easier for him to survive on the island CRAFT To survive on the island, the player is provided with an extensive crafting system: tools, weapons, constructions, decorations. A lot of possibilities of creating objects from improvised means. MINING A variety of resource variations - wood, stone, ore, vines, various soil variations - all this will come to the player for help with crafting and survival ENEMIES AND MONSTERS The game world is set up aggressive - with the course of game time it will wander more and more enemies, and camps with zombies and skeletons will flood the wasteland, be ready to fight back! VEHICLES To survive and quickly move there is the possibility of creating vechicles! Now to move from one end of the island to another is no longer a problem! CONSTANT EVOLUTION The game world is constantly expanding and changing - nothing stands still here! Forests grow, enemies are rallied in groups, and wastelands are built up with complex structures! 欢迎来到神奇的土地,充满冒险和危险的。谁想要留在这儿不再将不得不学习如何在这些地方充满不可预知的事件的生存。游戏中的每个世界都是独一无二的,山水,森林,山岭,动物,敌人 - 这一切都为每个球员将是独一无二的,任务是很简单 - 尽可能多天尽量生存在这样一个世界,但它是非常重要的要记住 - 游戏世界不是静止的,它的发展和与球员的变化!森林将增长,动物种群将发生变化,并与僵尸阵营将填补荒地越来越多,试图在这个世界上生存下去! 独特的世界 游戏中的每个世界都是独一无二的。是随机生成的,玩家也就有了生存的岛屿,让游戏世界可以被探索了很长时间,访问越来越多的新岛屿和发现新的秘密。 森林和动物 游戏提供了多种选择的生存 - 采摘浆果,蘑菇,狩猎动物,钓鱼,每个玩家都有自己决定哪一种方式会更容易为他在岛上生存的权利 CRAFT 岛上生存的玩家提供一个广泛的打造系统:工具,武器,建筑,装饰。很多从简易方式创建对象的可能性。 矿业 各种资源的变化 - 木材,石料,矿石,藤本植物,不同土壤的变化 - 这一切都将来到玩家的帮助与手工艺和生存 敌人和MONSTERS 游戏的世界设定了激进的 - 随着游戏时间的推移它会徘徊越来越多的敌人,并与僵尸和骷髅阵营将会涌入荒地,准备反击! 汽车 为了生存和快速移动也创造驶出的车辆的可能性!我们从海岛到另一个的一端移动不再是问题! 不断进化 游戏的世界正在不断扩大和变化的 - 没有什么代表还在这里!森林生长,敌人聚集在团体和荒地都建立了复杂的结构!