
Solve This In 15s简介

Solve This In 15s
Solve This In 15s
Solve This In 15s
使用OurPlay PC版在电脑上游玩
Are you ready for the latest challenge? Prove the world how smart you are ! 94% to 98% will fail this test so don't be worry if you don't complete it. Solve This in 15s is a new ylyl of our riddles games, in this one you will find the most funny and genius conundrums, some of them based on memes, this meme review was quite intensive so we wanted a good balance between serious and funny stuff. As we like humour we have included funny riddles so please try not to laugh , do you remember.. if you laugh you lose :) What is this game about? This game can be categorised inside of the trivia or puzzle games, you will be presented with a picture and you will have 15s (sometimes 30s) to find out what is odd, what is missing etc.. we have included several modes of games: - Smash or pass mode: Would you rather people conundrums or object oriented stuff? - 3 Marker challenge: Only see conundrums (riddles) based on this famous challenge - Battle royale: play against other thanos players A bit of history about this game: Riddles have been known to be one of the most time passing things, besides this also a bunch of You****rs started to record videos challenging their audience to complete those conundrums.On reddit there were also a lot of activity around this game so we decided to port that idea to Android, to let all the user to actually play a game based on it, You****rs and vloggers life is good for have a cup of coffee and relax but this game will take you to the real challenge ! Roast yourself and slime this game now ! The topic of the conundrums are from symbols like tide pods or uganda knuckles to gang beast ! As you can see the variety is huge ! Well you will judge yourself after playing this trivia. You will see ! LWIAY and start challenging your reigns friends ! Solve This in 30 seconds was popularised by You****rs life pewdiepie and markiplier. They made many videos talking about this challenge. Be aware. This is an addicting quiz thinking word game! Ah ! and you can play offline ! 你准备好最新的挑战是什么?证明世界你有多聪明! 94%〜98%会失败,这个测试所以不要担心,如果你不完成它。 解决这15秒是我们猜灯谜游戏新ylyl,在这其中,你会发现最有趣的和天才难题,他们中的一些基于模因,这个说法审查是相当密集,所以我们要认真和有趣的东西之间的良好平衡。正如我们喜欢幽默,我们已包括有趣的灯谜,所以请尽量不要笑,你还记得..如果你笑你输了:) 这是什么游戏呢? 这个游戏可以琐事或益智游戏里面进行分类,你会提出一个图片,你将有15秒(有时30多岁),以找出什么是奇数,缺什么等等。我们已经包含几个游戏模式: - 粉碎或通模式:你愿意人们的难题或面向对象的东西? - 3标记的挑战:在此基础上的著名挑战只看到难题(谜语) - 大逃杀:对战等萨诺斯球员 关于这个游戏的一点点历史回顾: 脑筋急转弯已被称为是最时间的推移事情之一,除了这也是一堆You****用户的开始录制视频挑战他们的观众完成这些conundrums.On reddit的也有很多活动围绕这个游戏,所以我们决定将端口这个想法到Android,让所有用户真正发挥基于它的游戏,You****用户和影音部落客生活是美好的有一杯咖啡,放松,但是这个游戏将带你到真正的挑战!烤自己现在煤泥这个游戏! 该难题的话题是从如潮荚或指关节乌干达那帮畜生的符号!正如你所看到的品种是巨大的! 那么你会玩这个琐事后,判断自己。你会看见 ! LWIAY并开始挑战你统治的朋友! 解决这个问题在30秒内被You****用户的生活pewdiepie和马基普尔推广。他们制作了许多影片在谈论这一挑战。 意识到。这是一种上瘾的测验思维文字游戏!啊!你可以玩离线!