
Volcano Trial简介

Volcano Trial
Volcano Trial
Volcano Trial
使用OurPlay PC版在电脑上游玩
Volcano is a block-falling game that requires fast reactions and good spatial awareness. If you like block-falling games, then we're sure you'll like the challenge of Volcano. The full version has 4 levels (speeds), but this is a trial version with only one level (the slowest). The scenario (bearing little relation to reality) is that there is a volcano known to be close to eruption. The dark, smoke-filled, brooding sky emphasizes the imminence of the danger. The volcano has a crater, and seismologists believe that eruption can be prevented by completely filling the crater, i.e. by plugging the volcano. This is a delicate and dangerous operation. You are in control of a flying craft (the white block) designed to catch blocks (blue) being dropped from above, so that you gradually build up a plug that will fill the crater, with no gaps, up to the level of rim of the volcano. As the falling blocks are incorporated into the plug, they change colour to become brown, so that you know which blocks form the body of the plug. Once you have formed a plug of the right shape (as shown in the image below), you must then lower the plug into the crater and prevent the eruption. Remember that you will normally have to turn the plug upside down before lowering it into the crater once you have created it. If a block is not caught by the craft and, instead, falls into the crater (denoted by purple blocks), the impact destroys part of the natural plug (a purple block is removed) - and, of course, also changes the shape of the plug required to fill the crater. And if the falling blocks break through the plug material to expose the magma (red) an eruption takes place and the game is over. Any blocks that fall onto the rim of the volcano or the mountain side (green blocks) are themselves destroyed, but the mountain itself is not destroyed by the impact. However, each impact, whether onto the mountain or into the crater, increases the chance of eruption. If fifty blocks crash to the ground an eruption takes place - and, again, the game is over. You are also able to launch missiles (yellow) from the missile launchers at the sides (magenta blocks). These fly horizontally and can be used both to destroy falling blocks, and so prevent dangerous impacts on the ground, and to remove blocks that form part of the plug you have created, if the shape is wrong. But make sure you don't accidentally shoot down the craft as the explosion caused by this will trigger an eruption. Note: if you remove a block from the plug and this leaves other blocks in the plug no longer with a means of connection, direct or indirect, to the craft, then these unattached blocks are also removed. Volcano是一款需要快速反应和良好空间感知的块状游戏。如果你喜欢摔倒游戏,那么我们相信你会喜欢Volcano的挑战。完整版有4个级别(速度),但这是一个只有一个级别(最慢)的试用版。 情景(与现实关系不大)是有一座已知接近火山爆发的火山。黑暗,烟雾弥漫,沉思的天空强调了危险的迫近。火山有一个火山口,地震学家认为可以通过完全填充火山口,即堵塞火山来防止喷发。这是一项微妙而危险的行动。你可以控制一个飞行器(白色块),用于捕捉从上方掉落的块(蓝色),这样你就可以逐渐形成一个能够填满陨石坑的塞子,没有任何间隙,直到达到边缘水平。火山。当下降的块被整合到插头中时,它们会变成颜色变成棕色,这样您就可以知道哪个块形成了插头的主体。一旦你形成了一个正确形状的插头(如下图所示),你必须将插头降低到火山口并防止火山爆发。请记住,一旦创建了插头,通常必须将插头倒置,然后将插头放入插座。 如果一个块没有被飞行器捕获,而是落入火山口(用紫色块表示),撞击会破坏天然插头的一部分(紫色块被移除) - 当然,也会改变形状填充火山口所需的插头。并且如果下降的块突破塞子材料以露岩浆(红色),则会发生喷发并且游戏结束。落在火山边缘或山边(绿色区块)的任何街区本身都被摧毁,但山体本身并未受到撞击的破坏。然而,每次撞击,无论是在山上还是在火山口,都会增加爆发的机会。如果五十个地块撞到地面,就会发生火山爆发 - 而且游戏结束了。 你也可以从两侧的导弹发射器(洋红色块)发射导弹(黄色)。它们可以水平飞行,既可以用来破坏掉落的挡块,也可以防止对地面造成危险的撞击,并且如果形状错误,可以移除构成插头一部分的挡块。但是请确保你不会意外地击落飞船,因为由此引起的爆炸会引发火山爆发。注意:如果从插头上移除一个块,这会使插头中的其他块不再具有直接或间接连接到工艺的连接,那么这些未连接的块也将被移除。