
Flowy Beta简介

Flowy Beta
Flowy Beta
Flowy Beta
使用OurPlay PC版在电脑上游玩
*** Flowy is in open Beta, it is changing and improving - join in and help us make Flowy great! *** “Since first using Flowy I have been feeling a lot better...I am a lot happier having this game with me, it sometimes feels like a secret weapon!” Guide a captain and his boat on an epic journey home! Flowy is a mobile game designed to help you handle your anxiety and panic attacks. Flowy is uniquely designed game controlled by your breath. It uses the science of breathing to calm you down! In trials Flowy produced measurable decreases in anxiety and panic symptoms. Just 90 seconds of play can be enough to soothe the symptoms of a panic attack. Join us for our beta and help us to make Flowy work as well as it can. Remember - To help with panic and anxiety, the UK National Health Service(NHS) recommends regulated breathing 3-4 times per day for 2-3 minutes each! The full version of Flowy is coming soon - in the meantime, start breathing better with Flowy Beta! --------------------------------------- We take evidence seriously! Flowy is designed to help you manage the symptoms of your anxiety or panic disorder. We completed our first unblinded, web-based, parallel-group randomized controlled pilot trial with 63 participants in collaboration with the Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine in August 2014, where we compared an intervention group playing Flowy with a waitlist control group. After a 4-week period of use, Flowy produced measurable decreases in anxiety, panic and hyperventilation symptoms, and significantly increased quality of life. Flowy engaged its users throughout the trial duration, with 84% of participants who were given access to Flowy proactively using it. Flowy was accepted as an intervention by study participants, who found the game to be useful, easy to use, easy to learn, and recommendable to friends. ------------------------- Users are saying: “I want to thank you for what you and the Flowy team are doing. The game has helped me on more than one occasion to prevent a big panic attack.” “Thank you for letting me be involved in this. I think it's such an amazing idea and there is nothing else like this around. I feel like panic attacks are swept under the rug; it feels amazing that someone is finally addressing it. Once the app is ready, I will be promoting it to everyone I know who has anxiety!!!” “I just wanted to stress how important I think the application (and moreover the approach) could be in helping people like myself deal with anxiety. For me - it’s changed my life completely - and I know this is a story you must hear over and over again.” “Breathing techniques have been really helpful to me as a coping mechanism in general; I particularly like so-called 7-11 breathing. However, I found that after a while, my brain was still able to dwell or obsess over a negative thought even while I was concentrating on my breathing. Flowy helps with that because it engages me more fully, making it harder for me to dwell on negative thoughts.” “I of course can't whip out my phone and start playing a game every time I am faced with a difficult situation. However, Flowy has helped me to learn how to control my breathing and make myself more relaxed. This was a skill I could then employ just sitting at my desk. When a difficult situations arose I learnt to slow down and moderate my reaction to negative stimuli.” --------------------------------- *** Flowy是公测,它正在改变和提高 - 加入并帮助我们Flowy太棒了! *** “自从第一次使用Flowy我已经感觉好多了......我很多快乐有这个游戏,我有时感觉就像一个秘密武器!” 指导船长和他的船在一个史诗般的旅程回家! Flowy是一个手机游戏,旨在帮助您处理你的焦虑和慌。 Flowy设计独特,游戏,由你的呼吸来控制。它使用呼吸你平静下来的科学!在试验中Flowy产生焦虑和慌的症状可衡量的下降。只需90秒打就足以抚慰慌症发作的症状。 参加我们的测试,并帮助我们做出Flowy工作,以及它可以。 记住 - 为了帮助慌和焦虑,国民健康服务(NHS)建议监管的呼吸,每天3-4次,每次2-3分钟! 完整版Flowy的即将到来 - 在此期间,开始用呼吸测试Flowy更好! --------------------------------------- 我们拿证据认真! Flowy旨在帮助您管理您的焦虑或慌症的症状。 我们完成了我们的第一个非盲,基于网络的,平行组随机对照试验试点与63的参与者与预防医学研究所欧胜合作,在八月2014年,在那里我们比较干预组打Flowy与等候名单对照组。 使用后的4周期间,Flowy产生焦虑,慌和过度换气症状可衡量的下降,并增加显著的生活质量。 Flowy从事其用户遍及的测试时间,与谁被授予访问使用它积极主动地参与Flowy 84%。 Flowy被接受为研究对象,发现谁在比赛中是有用的,易于使用,易于学习,并推荐给朋友干预。 ------------------------- 用户说: “我要感谢你为你的团队Flowy正在做。本场比赛帮助我在多个场合,以防止大的惊发作。“ “谢谢你让我参与这个。我认为这是这样一个惊人的想法并没有什么别的喜欢这个局面。我觉得慌的地毯下被横扫;感觉令人惊讶的是有人终于解决了。一旦应用程序已准备就绪,我将它推广给大家,我知道谁拥有焦虑!“ “我只是想强调我是怎么想的重要应用程序(而且这种方法)可能是在帮助人们像我一样对待焦虑。对于我 - 它彻底改变了我的生活 - 我知道这是你必须听一遍又一遍的故事“。 “呼吸技术已真正帮助我作为一般的应对机制;我特别喜欢所谓的7-11呼吸。然而,我发现,一段时间后,我的大脑依然能住或缠住了,甚至当我专注于我的呼吸消极的想法。 Flowy有助于因为它从事我更充分,很难让我纠缠于消极的想法做吧。“ “我当然不可能马上拿出我的手机,并开始每隔我面对困难局面时玩游戏。然而,Flowy帮助我学习如何控制自己的呼吸,让自己更放松。这是一个技能,然后我可以采用只坐在我的办公桌上。当一个困难的情况出现,我学会了放慢脚步,中度我的反应负面刺激。“ ---------------------------------