
Countdown Numbers & Letters简介

Countdown Numbers & Letters
Countdown Numbers & Letters
Countdown Numbers & Letters
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Countdown Numbers and Letters in English is a fun and addictive mental agility game totally free which contains several minigames of numbers and letters. Minigames are also know as The Total is Right and The Longest Word. Minigames are grouped into three categories: Numbers, Letters and Classic. Numbers: helps to improve the mathematical calculation. The goal is to reach or approach a target number by combining six numbers with elementary arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. It can be played in four modes: - Training: game mode for beginners and for those who do not like pressure. Consists in solving a single game without time limit. - Time: game mode for the fastest. Consists of a unique game where you have to achieve the target number or an approximation in less than 45 seconds. - Lightning: game mode for most addicts. Consists in solving the most games in 150 seconds. For every exact numbers extra seconds are obtained. Be fast and go for them! - Levels: game mode for those who like challenges. Objective is to reach exactly the target number without time limit. When target number is achieved you pass to the next level. Each passed level gives you coins that can be used to help to solve games. Beware, not waste money, every 50 levels you are going to pay coins. You'll also get 1 coin every day you play this game mode. If you play consecutive days the number of daily coins will increase, so the second day you will receive 2, the third day 3, ... up to a maximum of 5 coins per day. - Letters: with nine letters you must form a correct word in the chosen game language. As longer the word more points you get. Plurals and verb conjugations are correct words. In word games you can play in 8 different languages: English, Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Italian, French, German and Dutch. It can be played in four modes: - Training: game mode for beginners and for those who do not like pressure. Consists in forming a word without time limit. - Time: game mode for the fastest. Consists in forming a word in less than 45 seconds. - Lightning: game mode for most addicts. Consist in forming the maximum number of words in 150 seconds, every time a word is formed letters change. For each 6-letters word or more extra seconds are obtained. How extra time can you get? - Conundrum: game mode for language experts. Consists in forming a word that contains 9 letters in less than 150 seconds. - Classic: consists of combining numbers and letters games. There are 10 combined tests as follows: Numbers - Letters - Letters - Numbers - Letters - Letters - Numbers - Letters - Letters - Numbers. You can play in two modes: - Training: game mode for beginners and for those who do not like pressure. Consists in solving the 10 tests without a time limit. - Time: game mode for the fastest. Consists in solving the 10 tests with a maximum of 45 seconds in each test. All game modes are available without internet connection (offline). To see your progress and compare your results with your friends there are leaderboards and achievements. To access them you must be logged in to Google+ and have Internet access. Leaderboards Each game mode (excluding training) has its own leaderboard, where you will see what is your best game and what position you are on all players. Moreover, all points you earn accumulates in the global leaderboard. What is your best position? Achievements In any game mode you can unlock achievements. There are many different achievements.The more you play, the more chances you have to unlock achievements! 英语倒计时数字和字母是一个有趣和令人上瘾的心理敏捷游戏完全免费,其中包含几个数字和字母的小游戏。小游戏也被称为总和是正确的和最长的单词。 迷你游戏分为三类:数字,字母和经典。 数字:有助于改善数学计算。目标是通过将六个数字与基本算术运算相结合来达到或接近目标数:加法,减法,乘法和除法。它可以以四种模式播放: - 训练:适合初学者和不喜欢压力的游戏模式。包括在没有时间限制的情况下解决单个游戏。 - 时间:最快的游戏模式。由一个独特的游戏组成,您必须在不到45秒的时间内达到目标数或近似值。 - 闪电:大多数上瘾者的游戏模式。包括在150秒内解决大多数游戏。对于每个确切的数字,获得额外的秒数。快点去吧! - 级别:喜欢挑战的游戏模式。目标是在没有时间限制的情况下准确达到目标数量。达到目标数量后,您将转到下一级别。每个通过的级别为您提供可用于帮助解决游戏的硬币。当心,不要浪费金钱,每50个级别你要支付硬币。你玩这种游戏模式每天也会获得1枚硬币。如果你连续玩几天,每日硬币的数量会增加,所以第二天你将获得2,​​第三天3,...每天最多5个硬币。 - 字母:有九个字母,你必须在所选择的游戏语言中形成一个正确的单词。随着时间越长,你得到更多的点。复数和动词变形是正确的单词。在文字游戏中,您可以使用8种不同的语言:英语,西班牙语,加泰罗尼亚语,葡萄牙语,意大利语,法语,德语和荷兰语。它可以以四种模式播放: - 训练:适合初学者和不喜欢压力的游戏模式。包括形成一个没有时间限制的单词。 - 时间:最快的游戏模式。包含在不到45秒内形成一个单词。 - 闪电:大多数上瘾者的游戏模式。包含在150秒内形成最大字数,每次形成字母变化。对于每个6个字母的单词或更多的额外秒数。你有多加时间? - 难题:语言专家的游戏模式。包含在不到150秒内形成包含9个字母的单词。 - 经典:由数字和字母游戏组合而成。共有10个组合测试如下:数字 - 字母 - 字母 - 数字 - 字母 - 字母 - 数字 - 字母 - 字母 - 数字。你可以玩两种模式: - 训练:适合初学者和不喜欢压力的游戏模式。包括在没有时间限制的情况下解决10个测试。 - 时间:最快的游戏模式。包括在每次测试中最多45秒的10次测试。 所有游戏模式均可在没有互联网连接(离线)的情 要查看您的进度并与您的朋友比较您的结果,有排行榜和成就。要访问它们,您必须登录Google+并可以访问Internet。 排行榜 每种游戏模式(不包括训练)都有自己的排行榜,在那里您将看到最佳游戏是什么以及您对所有玩家的位置。此外,您获得的所有积分都会累积在全球排行榜中。你最好的位置是什么? 成就 在任何游戏模式中,您都可以解锁成就。有许多不同的成就。你玩的越多,你获得成就的机会就越多!