
DoDo - Game "24" with extras简介

DoDo - Game "24" with extras
DoDo - Game "24" with extras
DoDo - Game "24" with extras
使用OurPlay PC版在电脑上游玩
DoDo (the abbreviation of DOuble DOzen) is an implementation of card game "Twenty Four" (24), popular in and other countries with significant population, including Australia. The objective is very simple: to compose 24 out of four numbers, each in the range 1-10, using four arithmetic operations. A player who does it more often wins the game. As opposed to majority of other intelligent card games, game "24" does not involve any hidden information therefore there is practically no need to remember cards or apply any long-term strategy, while fast counting is the only prerequisite to succeed. That makes "24" an ideal family game which helps to development arithmetic skills for primary school children and provides entertainment for adults at the same time. Incidentally Dodo is a name of the bird species unique to tiny island Mauritius to the East of Africa. Dodo birds peacefully lived, eating fruits and nuts falling from trees. They didn't have any predators apart from human settlers who eventually led them to extinction in the late 17th century. Fortunately, some illustrations, descriptions as well as remains of the birds have come to us. Dodo was the nickname of prominent English mathematician and writer Charles L. Dodgson, better known by his pen name Lewis Carroll, who invented a number of brain-teasing games, like a sort of "Scrabble" and still popular "Doublets" a.k.a. "World Links" or "World Ladder"). In his most famous novel "Alice in Wonderland" ,Dodo bird represents the author himself and, just like the author, invents a game. —————————————— This version of game "24" encourages fast thinking. The score depends not only on the number of solved puzzles but also on the time spent on solving. If a combination has no solution, a player who figured that out is rewarded as if the puzzle is solved. DoDo currently supports playing against the computer or another human player with one or two packs of cards. The application also provides training mode which can be made void of time limit and allows to enter your own combination for the computer to solve it. Different extensions to the game rules are available. For example, you may allow Ace (One) to stand for either one or eleven in order to enlarge the variety of solvable combinations, so, for inastance, "A A 2 3" gets a solution: 11×2+3-1. Other available options are common fractions, exponentiation (raising to power), "merge" operation (writing one number after another) and presence of Zero card (Joker). Even "magic number" 24 can be changed to a different value! DoDo provides a variety of customized features. In particular, a computer solution can be presented either as sequence of operations (e.g. 6×3=18; 3×2=6; 18+6=24) or as an expression (6×3+3×2). Other customized features include choice of background texture and color, replacing standard playing card images by numbers, different types of animation. The application supports sound effects and also can play custom background music, specified as an album or a playlist. Both portrait and landscape screen orientations are supported and the orientation can be changed "on fly". DoDo allows to save unlimited number of games. Normally a game can be saved at any time, however a quick game (with 30 second solving time limit) has restrictions to prevent possible cheating. The application keeps local tables of scores and achievements. In addition the achievements, as well as results of a quick game can be published at global tables provided by Google Play Services. The application is designed to adapt to any version of Android. 'Vintage' release, available for Android pre 4.0, is free of advertising, but also does not support global tables. DoDo(DOuble DOzen的缩写)是纸牌游戏“二十四”(24)的实现,在和包括澳大利亚在内的人口众多的国家很受欢迎。 目标非常简单:使用四个算术运算组成24个数字中的24个,每个数字在1-10范围内。经常这样做的玩家赢得比赛。 与大多数其他智能纸牌游戏相反,游戏“24”不涉及任何隐藏信息,因此几乎不需要记住卡片或应用任何长期策略,而快速计数是成功的唯一先决条件。这使得“24”成为理想的家庭游戏,有助于小学儿童的发展算术技能,同时为成年人提供娱乐。 顺便说一下,Dodo是非洲东部毛里求斯小岛独有的鸟类。渡渡鸟和平地生活着,吃着从树上掉下来的水果和坚果。他们除了人类定居者之外没有任何掠食者,最终导致他们在17世纪末灭绝。幸运的是,我们已经找到了一些插图,描述以及鸟类的遗迹。   Dodo是着名数学家和作家Charles L. Dodgson的绰号,他的笔名Lewis Carroll更为人所知,他发明了许多大脑戏弄游戏,就像一种“Scrabble”,仍然流行的“Doublets”又名“World”链接“或”世界阶梯“)。在他最着名的小说“爱丽丝梦游仙境”中,渡渡鸟代表作者本人,就像作者一样,发明了一个游戏。 -------------- 这个版本的游戏“24”鼓励快速思考。分数不仅取决于解决的谜题的数量,还取决于解决的时间。如果一个组合没有解决方案,那么想出来的玩家就会得到奖励,好像拼图已经解决了。 DoDo目前支持使用一到两张卡片与计算机或其他人类玩家对战。该应用程序还提供了可以没有时间限制的培训模式,并允许输入您自己的组合供计算机解决。 可以使用不同的游戏规则扩展。例如,你可以允许Ace(One)代表一个或十一个,以扩大可解组合的种类,因此,对于inastance,“A A 2 3”得到一个解决方案:11×2 + 3-1。其他可用选项是常见分数,取幂(上升到幂),“合并”操作(一个接一个地写一个数字)和存在零卡(小丑)。甚至“幻数”24也可以改为不同的值! DoDo提供各种自定义功能。特别地,计算机解决方案可以作为操作序列(例如,6×3 = 18; 3×2 = 6; 18 + 6 = 24)或作为表达式(6×3 + 3×2)来呈现。其他自定义功能包括选择背景纹理和颜色,用数字,不同类型的动画替换标准扑克牌图像。 该应用程序支持声音效果,还可以播放指定为专辑或播放列表的自定义背景音乐。支持纵向和横向屏幕方向,并且可以“在运行中”更改方向。 DoDo允许保存无限数量的游戏。通常情况下,游戏可以随时保存,但是快速游戏(30秒解决时间限制)有限制以防止可能的作弊行为。 该应用程序保留了分数和成就的本地表。此外,可以在Google Play服务提供的全球表格中发布成就以及快速游戏的结果。 该应用程序旨在适应任何版本的Android。适用于Android 4.0的“Vintage”版本没有广告,但也不支持全局表格。