
Mobialia Chess简介

Mobialia Chess
Mobialia Chess
Mobialia Chess
使用OurPlay PC版在电脑上游玩
The best app for chess lovers: Play against AI or online at FICS or ICC Play against AI - Selectable ELO Levels to adjust playing strength, from 500 to 2100, on 50 ELO points steps - Selectable time per move: changing the ELO and the time per move, lots of difficulty levels can be selected - Opening book with more than 30.000 positions: ensures variated funny games - Can undo/redo all moves - Send PGN by email: This way, you can analyze later your games on your PC - Graphical setup board, also can edit position’s FEN notation - On closing, saves the current game and it is loaded when the application is restarted Play online - Play online at freechess.org (FICS) or chessclub.com (ICC) - Play as guest or as a registered user - Seek/offer match rated and unrated - View seeks posted by other users. Can sort seek list by username, rating or game time - Takeback, draw, abort, resign and rematch options while playing - Play, Finger and Observe, can also observe LectureBot on FICS or play ProblemBot/TrainingBot on ICC - Observe current played games in the chess server or follow highest rated games - Messages: read and send messages to other users - Game History: you can examine or send by email all your played games - Console to see server output and to send commands, also for chatting with other users - Timeseal (FICS) and Timestamp (ICC): avoids lag problems - Premove option: You can introduce the next movement in your opponent’s turn - Option to confirm the move before sending it to the server. Forward and Backward buttons are converted on Confirm/Cancel buttons - Supports wild chess variants: Atomic, Losers, Suicide and Chess960 Chess problems - 2900+ chess problems to solve looking for the best moves: problems collected by Uwe Auerswald, from Germany - Selectable problem difficult (Easy, Medium and Hard Problems) Chess database - Chess database of ~3M games updated weekly from http://www.theweekinchess.com - It allows to search for players, events and dates from the section Database in the main sidebar - It can search specific positions from the board with ⋮-> Search position in DB - Searching a board position shows stats including, for each move, the number of games where the move was played and the white victory/draw/black victory percentages as bars - From the stats screen you can list all the games in the current position with ⋮-> Show games PGN browser - Simple PGN browser, allows you to open PGN files from SD card or from your email Analysis - Analyis mode in the board screens with ⋮-> Analysis - It shows the position's ECO code - Supports UCI chess engines - From Settings -> Analysis -> Analysis engines you can download and install engines from our servers - It also allows to use engines compatible with the Open Exchange protocol A great interface - 2D/3D board - Clean, simple and intuitive interface - Move by dragging and dropping the piece with useful guide lines - Also move by tapping the origin and the destiny squares or with the trackball - Portrait and landscape mode - Shows legal moves (as yellow traslucid squares) - Highlights last move (with a yellow arrow or a colored square, can be configured with a settings option), also move hints (as a green arrow) after a request in the menu - Many piece sets and board styles - Shows a dot in the side to move and can show board coordinates - The material gauge indicates the material advantage using this piece values: Pawn=1 Knight=3 Bishop=3 Rook=5 Queen=9. Click on the gauge to show/hide the captured pieces difference - Shows captured pieces advantage (as an example if black captured 3 pawns and whites 2, it shows an advantage of 1 white pawn for blacks) - Speaks moves, checks and game results - Different sounds for moves, captures and checks, also vibration - Option to keep the screen on while playing You can try the Free version with ads first 国际象棋爱好者的最佳应用:对战AI或在线FICS或ICC 对战AI - 可选择ELO等级调整发挥实力,从500到2100年,50 ELO分步 - 每个举动可选择时间:改变ELO每移动的时候,很多的难度等级可以选择 - 打开书超过30000的位置:确保variated有趣的游戏 - 可以撤销/重做所有的动作 - 发送PGN通过电子邮件:通过这种方式,可以在以后分析您的PC上的游戏 - 图形化安装板,也可以编辑位置的FEN符号 - 在最后,保存当前游戏并重新启动应用程序时,它被加载 玩在线 - 在freechess.org(FICS)或chessclub.com玩在线(ICC) - 扮演客人或注册用户 - 寻求/提供匹配的额定和未评级 - 观追求的其他帮助。可以排序试图通过用户名,等级或游戏时间列表 - Takeback,画,中止,辞职和复赛选项,同时打 - 播放,手指和观察,还可以观察LectureBot上FICS或ICC发挥ProblemBot / TrainingBot - 观察目前玩过的游戏在国际象棋服务器,或遵照收视率最高的游戏 - 消息:阅读和发送消息给其他用户 - 游戏历史:您可以检查或通过电子邮件你所有的玩游戏送 - 控制台查看服务器输出和发送命令,也为与其他用户聊天 - Timeseal(FICS)和时间戳(ICC):避免滞后问题 - Premove选项:您可以在对手的回合介绍下运动 - 选择将其发送到服务器之前确认移动。前进和后退按钮转换的确认/取消键 - 支持野生象棋的变种:原子,失败者,和菲舍尔任意制象棋 国际象棋的问题 - 2900+棋要解决的问题寻找最佳动作:由乌韦Auerswald收集的问题,来自德国 - 可选择的问题困难的(简单,中等和困难问题) 国际象棋数据库 - 的〜3M游戏象棋数据库中http://www.theweekinchess.com每周更新一次 - 它允许在主侧边栏来搜索球员,从截面的数据库事件和日期 - 它可以搜索从董事会的具体位置,同时⋮ - 在DB>搜索位置 - 搜索一个板位置显示统计,包括对每个移动的游戏中,此举被演奏的数量和白色胜利/战平/黑色胜利百分比为酒吧 - 从统计屏幕上,您可以列出当前位置所有的游戏与⋮ - >秀场 PGN浏览器 - 简单的浏览器PGN,允许你从SD卡或从电子邮件打开PGN文件 分析 - >分析 - 与⋮板屏幕Analyis模式 - 它显示位置的ECO码 - 支持UCI国际象棋引擎 - 从设置 - >分析 - >分析引擎,你可以下载并从我们的服务器上安装的发动机 - 它也允许使用与开放交换协议兼容的引擎 出色的界面 - 2D / 3D板 - 清洁,简单直观的界面 - 移动通过拖放一块有用的引导线 - 兼攻的起源和命运的正方形或轨迹球移动 - 纵向和横向模式 - 显示法律的动作(如黄色traslucid方块) - 突出显示菜单中的请求后,最后一步(用黄色箭头或彩色方块,可以用一个设置选项配置),也动提示(为绿色箭头) - 许多件套和电路板风格 - 显示在一旁点移动,并能显示板坐标 - 材料规指示材料优势利用这块值:典当= 1骑士= 3 =主教3鲁克= 5皇后= 9。点击压力表显示/隐藏拍摄的作品区别 - 显示拍摄的作品优势(好像黑色抓获3走卒和白人2为例,它显示1白棋子黑人的优势) - 说的动作,检查和博弈的结果 - 不同的声音的动作,捕捉和检查,也震动 - 选项保持屏幕上同时播放 你可以先尝试免费版本的广告