
Clan of Stallions简介

Clan of Stallions
Clan of Stallions
Clan of Stallions
使用OurPlay PC版在电脑上游玩
★★★★ ♞ Clan of Stallions is here! ♞ ★★★★ Do you love horses? Do you feel like controlling a wild horse as he gallops his way around a huge map, looking for family members, defeating bosses, enemy clans, and super giant animals? You begin as a young colt, ready to race and chase down your enemies, get stronger, and ultimately defeat all the giant super bosses. Your young colt is the final remaining member of the infamous Ayanda Clan. ♞ Your objectives include: finding all the members of your new family, marking your territory, defeating all the bosses, enemy clans, and finally the super bosses. ***Special Feature Customize your Horse! Many color combinations to choose from. Thanks for supporting Wildfoot games! We love our players!! We are trying our best to being you the most action packed animal simulators on the app stores. Clan of Stallions is the most recent installment of our adventure animal simulator games. The most action packed stallion simulator game on the app store. Loaded with all your favorite forest animals including: Fox, Deer, Wolf, Horse, Pony, Bear, and Giant Eagle. Enter this forest world as a young horse, help him find his family, grow into a huge giant and powerful Stallion, and dominate the forest. Your group members will be your ultimate guardians. You must learn to use your own clan in order to win the game. **Customize your Color by pressing the Edit button on the 'Me' page** **8 Different Color and Style Options to Choose From** Other enemies include : Eagle, Fawn, Fox, Deer, Bear, Duck, and Wolf . Be fast and race around the huge map and hunt down your enemies. Strike them before they get you. This game has elements of Wild Animal Survival, Role Playing, and Action Adventure games. Magic includes : Electricity ⌁, Fire Boulder, Super Heal, and Invincibility Shield. Top App Features: ♞ Fast paced and action packed animal simulator ♞ Find all 6 of your family members ♞ Locate all the magic books ♞ Hail your clan members when you are near your enemies ♞ Real wild animal sound effects and dynamic weather effects ☂ ♞ Open World Survival game ♞ Huge 3D Forest Map Map Features Include: High Grass Hidden Caves Waterfalls and Lava Flow Destructible Logs Movable tree trunks Trees, Rivers, and much more!! How to Play: 1. Mark your territory 2. Find all 6 family members 3. Find all the 4 magic spell books 4. Beat all 6 Bosses 5. Defeat all 4 enemy Stallion Clans 6. Defeat all 6 Super bosses Do you enjoy playing this game? We would love it if you let us know what you think. We tried hard to respond to all comments and listen to your suggestions. At Wildfoot, we love 3D animal simulators and our goal is to set the standard of quality for animal sims. Please come check us out on Face****:
https://www.face****.com/wildfootgames for updates. Remember that friendship is magic. Find your guardians and create your own legend! Thanks for playing our games!!♞ 种马★★★★♞氏族就在这里! ♞★★★★ 你爱马?你觉得控制脱缰野马,因为他急驰他的方式在一个巨大的地图,寻找家庭成员,打败老板,敌人的部族和超巨型动物? 你开始作为一个年轻的小马,准备比赛,追逐你的敌人,变得更强壮,并最终打败所有的巨大的超级老板。你年轻的小马是臭名昭著的Ayanda氏族的最后剩余的成员。 ♞您的目标包括:寻找你的新的家庭的所有成员,这标志着你的领土,击败所有的老板,敌人的部族,最后是超级老板。 ***特殊功能自定义您的马!许多颜色组合可供选择。 感谢支持Wildfoot游戏!我们热爱我们的玩家!我们正在尽最大努力为您的应用程序商店中最动作包装的动物模拟器。种马的家族是最近的我们的冒险动物模拟器游戏装置。 在App Store上最动作包装的种马模拟器游戏。装载了所有您最喜爱的森林动物,包括:狐狸,鹿,狼,马,小马,熊,以及巨鹰。进入这片森林的世界作为一个年轻的马,帮他找到他的家人,成长为一个庞大的巨人,强大的骏马,和主宰森林。你的小组成员将是你的最终保障。你必须学会​​使用自己的战队才能赢得比赛。 **按'我'页面上的编辑按钮自定义颜色** ** 8种不同的颜色和样式选项可供选择** 其他的敌人包括:老鹰,小鹿,狐狸,鹿,熊,鸭和灰太狼。是巨大的地图快速左右,种族和追捕你的敌人。打击他们才得到你。这个游戏有野生动物的生存,角色扮演,动作和冒险游戏的元素。 魔术包括:电力⌁,消防博尔德,超级愈合,无敌盾。 顶部的应用特点: ♞快节奏和动作包装的仿真动物 ♞找到你的家庭成员的全部6 ♞找到所有的魔法书 ♞冰雹你的战队的成员,当你靠近你的敌人 ♞真正的野生动物的声音效果和动态天气效果☂ ♞开放世界的生存游戏 ♞巨大的3D林相图 地图功能包括: 高草 隐藏的洞穴 瀑布和熔岩流 毁日志 移动树干 树木,河流,以及更多! 怎么玩: 1.标记你的领地 2.找到所有6个家庭成员 3.找到所有的4魔法语书 4.击败所有6老板 5.打败所有敌人的4种马氏族 6.击败所有6超级老板 你喜欢玩这个游戏?如果你让我们知道你在想什么,我们会喜欢它。我们极力应对所有的意见,并听取您的建议。在Wildfoot,我们爱动物的3D模拟器和我们的目标是建立优质动物模拟人生的标准。 请进来检查我们在Face****上:HTTPS://www.face****.com/wildfootgames更新。请记住,友谊是魔术。寻找你的监护人,并创建自己的传奇!感谢您玩我们的游戏!♞