

使用OurPlay PC版在电脑上游玩
1.本遊戲的目標,是在每一關中,把所有的數字都連在一起即過關。 The purpose of this game is to line up all numbers in each round. 2.連的模式:從左上角開始,相鄰的兩個數字,後一個數字是前一個的因數或倍數,就會以紅色將這兩個數字連起來。全部數字都連成紅色即可過關。 The rule for lining is to start from the upper-left corner to the bottom. Any two adjacent numbers will turn red if one number is a factor or a multiple of the other. 3.點選其中一個數字,它會變成黃色,再點選另外一個數字,這兩個數字會交換位置。 If you click a number, it will turn yellow. If you click another number, these two numbers will exchange positions. 4.舉個例子:2 - 4 - 8 - 12 For example: 2 - 4 - 8 - 12 從左上角開始。2是4的因數,所以2與4連起來。4是8的因數,所以4與8連起來。但是12不是8的因數,也不是8的倍數,所以連不起來。 From the upper-left corner, "2" is a factor of "4", so "2" and "4" line up. "4" is a factor of "8", so "4" and "8" line up. But "12" is neither a factor nor a multiple of "8", so "12" and "8" do not line up. 當我們按下數字12時,它會變黃色,準備與另一數交換。 When we click "12", it turns yellow, ready to exchange with another number. 接著我們按下數字2,這時數字2與數字12交換位置。 12與4連、4與8連、8與2連,這四個數字就連起來了! Then we click "2", and "12" exchanges with "2". Now "12" lines up with "4", "4" lines up with "8", and "8" lines up with "2". All four numbers line up! 5.在關卡內點選下方「退出這回合」,可放棄這關回到主選單。 如果全部連成紅色完成,點選「下一關」可挑戰下一題。 You can click "退出這回合" in one round to give up and go back to menu. When you finish lining up all numbers, you can click "下一關" to challenge the next round. 6.各等級關卡只要通過第10關,即可解鎖更高一級關卡來挑戰。 例如「新手」通過10關,可解鎖「中級」進行挑戰;「大師」通過10關可解鎖「神人」。 If you pass the 10th round in each level, you may unlock the next level. For example, when you have passed the 10th round in the "Beginner" level, you can unlock the "Medium" level; if you have passed the 10th round in the "Master" level, you can unlock the "Genius" level. 7.各等級通過第10關時,玩家可獲得「寶物 1」。 每通過100關也會送「寶物 1」。 各等級通過全部關卡會送5個「1」。 使用「寶物 1」時會在所有數字 最後面,增加一個「1」。 1 為任何正整數的因數,所以可以連接任何兩個數字。 請謹慎使用「寶物 1」! In each level, when passing the 10th round, you will receive a "Treasure 1". After passing 100 rounds in a level, you will also receive a "Treasure 1". If you finish any level, you will receive 5 "Treasure 1". When using "Treasure 1", the number 1 appears following all numbers. As 1 is a factor of any positive integer, it can stand between any two numbers to line them up. Please use "Treasure 1" with caution! 8.當您通過五個等級的所有關卡,可以連線到網路, 看看您的世界排名,是第幾個完成的。 When you finish all rounds of five levels, you can get the rank of all players on the internet. 9.本遊戲由「易湘飛夜」小組設計。2019年元月初版。 This game is designed by "易湘飛夜". Version 1.0, Jan. 2019.