
Mini Motor Racing WRT简介

Mini Motor Racing WRT
Mini Motor Racing WRT
Mini Motor Racing WRT
使用OurPlay PC版在电脑上游玩
- [Guide - Fail to Login] The users who use Android OS 6.0 (Marshmallow) or the higher version, all the permissions have to be changed to "Allow" after the game installed. [Application Management> MiniMotorWRT> Permissions] - Information : If error code 600 appeared, please delete the game and re-download it again. Mini Motor Racing WRT is the sequel to the critically acclaimed, multi-award winning Mini Motor Racing, and while Mini Motor Racing WRT features the same fast paced, top-down arcade fun, it takes the action to a whole new level. The gameplay is more engaging than ever thanks to a rich RPG-style career mode that lets you build a fleet of unique vehicles and assemble the finest hand-picked racing team in your quest to become the World Racing Tournament champion. And if that's not enough, take the challenge to the real world by forming a Race Club with your friends and go head to head with other racers from around the world. Mini Motor Racing WRT offers unparalleled racing action and depth. Features include: MASSIVE CAREER MODE Journey across the world, through dozens of vibrant environments, as you battle your way to the top of the World racing Tour. CUSTOMIZABLE VEHICLES Spend race winnings to buy or build dozens of vehicles, then upgrade them to help handle a range of racing conditions, from tarmac to off-road to heavy rain. RACING TEAMS Staff your race team with the best mechanics, managers, and engineers, all with unique strengths and weaknesses that have in-game effects on your performance. RACE CLUBS Team up with your friends and challenge other clubs to head-to-head battles with fame, glory, and massive prizes on the line. With incredible HD graphics, over 30 new and classic tracks, league and challenge modes, club battles, massive single player career, officially licensed Nissan, KIA and Choro-Q (penny racer) vehicles, Mini Motor Racing WRT is the ultimate racing experience for mobile. Suit up and download for free today! - [指南 - 失败登录] 谁使用Android OS 6.0(棉花糖)或更高版本的用户,所有权限必须改变为“允许”安装游戏后。 [应用程序管理> MiniMotorWRT>权限] - 信息:如果错误代码600出现,   请删除游戏并重新下载。 迷你赛车WRT是续集广受好评,屡获殊荣的迷你赛车,虽然迷你赛车WRT功能相同的快节奏,自上而下的街机的乐趣,它采取行动,以一个全新的水平。 该游戏是比以往任何时候多亏了丰富的RPG风格的生涯模式,让您打造独一无二的车队和组装最好的钦点赛车队在你的追求,成为世界赛车锦标赛冠军更吸引人。如果这还不够,接受挑战现实世界通过与您的朋友赛马俱乐部和去头去头与来自世界各地的其他车手。 迷你赛车WRT提供无与伦比的赛车动作和深度。其特点包括: MASSIVE生涯模式 世界各地的旅程,通过几十个充满活力的环境,因为你自己的方式战斗到世界赛车巡回赛的首位。 定制的车辆 花比赛的奖金来购买或建造数十辆汽车,然后将它们升级,以帮助处理一系列的比赛条件,从停机坪越野大雨。 赛车队 员工的车队用最好的技工,管理人员和工程师,都具有独特的优势和弱点对你的表现在游戏中的效果。 RACE CLUBS 组队与您的朋友和挑战其他俱乐部的头对麦芒的战斗与名望,荣耀,就行了大量的奖品。 以令人难以置信的高清显卡,超过30个新的和经典曲目,联赛和挑战模式,俱乐部战斗,大规模单人生涯,正式授权日产,东风悦达起亚和绍罗-Q(一分钱赛车手)的车辆,小型赛车WRT是终极的赛车经验移动。 适应起来并免费下载吧!