
RPG Illusion of L'Phalcia简介

RPG Illusion of L'Phalcia
RPG Illusion of L'Phalcia
RPG Illusion of L'Phalcia
使用OurPlay PC版在电脑上游玩
Experience epic 3D battles and customize characters with Runes & Gems! The Sword of Amal - a weapon said to be able to grant any wish. The wishes and desires of those who seek the sword bring about chaos into the world. This robust fantasy RPG offers customizable characters and 3D battles! Important Notice Launching the app or restarting a game may take some time depending on your device and device environment. The Tale of a Legendary Sword The Sword of Amal - a treasure said to grant any wish. The hero of the story is Ryser, and he works as a seeker with his partner, Cougar, to find the Sword of Amal. Everyone he meets along the way each have their own thoughts about the Sword. Stunning 3D Battles Astonishing 3D battles bring the characters to life! Overwhelm your enemies with beautifully animated skills and magic, as well as skill chain attacks, a powerful move you perform with your allies! Rich Events and Battles! Experience the story with character voices in certain battles and events. Find out what everyone wishes of the Sword of Amal! *Character voices are only available in the original Japanese language. *This game features some in-app-purchase content. While in-app-purchase content requires additional fees, by no means it is necessary for finishing the game. *The actual price might differ depending on the region. [Supported OS] - 2.3 and up [SD Card Storage] - Enabled [Languages] - English, Japanese [Non-Supported Devices] This app has generally been tested to work on any mobile device released in Japan. We cannot guarantee support on other devices. [IMPORTANT NOTICE] Your use of the application requires your agreement to the following EULA and 'Privacy Policy and Notice'. If you do not agree, please do not download our application. End User License Agreement: http://kemco.jp/eula/index.html Privacy Policy and Notice: http://www.kemco.jp/app_pp/privacy.html Get the latest information! [Newsletter] http://kemcogame.com/c8QM [Face**** page] http://www.face****.com/kemco.global (C)2014 KEMCO/EXE-CREATE 体验史诗般的3D战斗,并使用符文和宝石定制角色! Amal之剑 - 一种武器,据说能够给予任何愿望。 寻求剑的人的愿望和愿望给世界带来了混乱。 这个强大的幻想RPG提供可定制的角色和3D战斗! 重要提示 启动应用程序或重新启动游戏可能需要一些时间,具体取决于您的设备和设备环境。 传说中的剑的故事 Amal的剑 - 一个宝藏说要给予任何愿望。 这个故事的主人公是Ryser,他和他的搭档Cougar一起寻找寻找Amal之剑的人。 他在路上遇到的每个人都有自己对剑的想法。 令人惊叹的3D战斗 令人惊讶的3D战斗将角色带入​​生活! 通过精美的动画技能和魔法以及技能链攻击来摧毁你的敌人,这是你与盟友一起执行的强大动作! 丰富的事件和战斗! 在某些战斗和事件中体验角色的故事。了解每个人对Amal之剑的期望! *角色声音仅提供原始日语。 *此游戏包含一些应用内购买内容。虽然应用内购买内容需要额外费用,但绝不是完成游戏所必需的。 *实际价格可能因地区而异。 [支持的OS] - 2.3及以上 [SD卡存储] - 已启用 [语言] - 英语,日语 [不支持的设备] 此应用程序通常已经过测试,适用于日本发布的任何移动设备。我们无法保证对其他设备的支持。 [重要的提醒] 您对该应用程序的使用要求您同意以下EULA和“隐私政策和通知”。如果您不同意,请不要下载我们的申请。 最终用户许可协议:http://kemco.jp/eula/index.html 隐私政策和通知:http://www.kemco.jp/app_pp/privacy.html 获取最新信息! [通讯] http://kemcogame.com/c8QM [Face****页面] http://www.face****.com/kemco.global (C)2014年KEMCO / EXE-CREATE
更新日志 版本更新于2014年9月8日
*Please contact android@kemco.jp if you discover any bugs or problems with the application. Note that we do not respond to bug reports left in application reviews. ver.1.1.0g - Minor translation issues fixed. ver 1.0.3g - Added English version