
RPG Fairy Elements简介

RPG Fairy Elements
RPG Fairy Elements
RPG Fairy Elements
使用OurPlay PC版在电脑上游玩
* This app may not work on Android 9.0. We are currently working on an update. What awaits at the end of an adventure that spans over 200 years? Play a grand fantasy RPG until the end for free! Yamato is a royal knight, fighting to protect the peace of his kingdom. His sword is imbued with the mysterious power of Material. Along with his attendant, a female knight called Orka, he saved his kingdom from a crisis. However, in the battle, he was somehow transported to a world 200 years in the future. In the world of the future, he meets a strange creature and a mysterious girl. At the end of his adventure, what will be the future that awaits his kingdom? Enjoy this fantasy RPG, with all BGM by the renowned Ryuji Sasai! Fortify weapons! Use resources to fortify weapons and armor! Raise items' performance, and create brand new weapons and armor. When fortified, items have a different appearance in battles, too! Battles anywhere! The game features a special mode where you can battle, anywhere and any time, to obtain resources for fortifying. If you have just a little free time, you can easily build up your resources. The higher the difficulty level of the battle, the easier it is to obtain resources. Master more and more difficult battles, and fortify your weapons and armor! Many other game elements! The game features many other elements, such as the cauldron system, which provides an easy way to increase a weapon's basic attack strength. It also includes dungeons packed with incredibly strong enemies and more! Fortify your weapons to make them the most powerful they can be, and then journey to the very ends of the earth in search of adventure! * The game can be played in its entirety without the need for in-game transactions. * The actual price might differ depending on the region. * Please contact us through the Contact button on the title screen if you discover any bugs or problems with the application. Note that we do not respond to bug reports left in application reviews. Also, please note that using the developer option "don't keep activity" or any app controlling tasks might sometimes result in any unexpected malfunction, so we recommend to disable these settings or apps before playing the game. * A Premium Edition that includes 1000 bonus in-game points is also available for download! For more information, check out "Fairy Elements" on the web! [Supported OS] - 4.0 and up [Game Controller] - Optimized [SD Card Storage] - Enabled [Languages] - English, Japanese [Non-Supported Devices] This app has generally been tested to work on any mobile device released in Japan. We cannot guarantee full support on other devices. [IMPORTANT NOTICE] Your use of the application requires your agreement to the following EULA and 'Privacy Policy and Notice'. If you do not agree, please do not download our application. End User License Agreement: http://kemco.jp/eula/index.html Privacy Policy and Notice: http://www.kemco.jp/app_pp/privacy.html Get the latest information! [Newsletter] http://kemcogame.com/c8QM [Face**** page] http://www.face****.com/kemco.global (C)2016 KEMCO/EXE-CREATE *此应用可能无法在Android 9.0上运行。我们目前正在进行更新。 在超过200年的冒险结束时,等待什么?玩一个盛大幻想RPG直到最后免费! 大和是一位皇室骑士,为保护王国的和平而奋斗。他的剑充满了物质的神秘力量。 与他的服务员一起,一位名叫奥尔卡的女骑士,他将自己的王国从危机中解救出来。 然而,在战斗中,他将来以某种方式运送到一个200年的世界。 在未来的世界里,他遇到了一个奇怪的生物和一个神秘的女孩。 在他的冒险结束时,等待他的王国的未来将是什么? 享受这个梦幻RPG,由着名的Ryuji Sasai提供所有BGM! 强化武器! 使用资源来强化武器和装甲! 提高物品的性能,创造全新的武器和盔甲。 强化时,物品在战斗中也有不同的外观! 随时随地战斗! 游戏具有特殊模式,您可以随时随地进行战斗,以获得强化资源。 如果您只有一点空闲时间,您可以轻松地建立资源。 战斗难度越高,获取资源就越容易。掌握越来越多的艰难战斗,并加强你的武器和装甲! 许多其他游戏元素! 该游戏具有许多其他元素,例如大锅系统,它提供了一种增加武器基本攻击强度的简便方法。它还包括拥有令人难以置信的强大敌人的地下城等等! 强化你的武器,使它们成为最强大的武器,然后前往地球的尽头寻找冒险! *游戏可以完整播放,无需游戏内交易。 *实际价格可能因地区而异。 *如果您发现应用程序存在任何错误或问题,请通过标题屏幕上的“联系人”按钮与我们联系。请注意,我们不会回复应用程序评论中留下的错误报告。 此外,请注意,使用开发人员选项“不要保持活动”或任何应用程序控制任务有时可能会导致任何意外故障,因此我们建议您在玩游戏前禁用这些设置或应用程序。 *包含1000个奖励游戏内积分的高级版也可供下载!有关更多信息,请查看网络上的“童话元素”! [支持的OS] - 4.0及以上 [游戏控制器] - 优化 [SD卡存储] - 已启用 [语言] - 英语,日语 [不支持的设备] 此应用程序通常已经过测试,适用于日本发布的任何移动设备。我们无法保证对其他设备的全面支持。 [重要的提醒] 您对该应用程序的使用要求您同意以下EULA和“隐私政策和通知”。如果您不同意,请不要下载我们的申请。 最终用户许可协议:http://kemco.jp/eula/index.html 隐私政策和通知:http://www.kemco.jp/app_pp/privacy.html 获取最新信息! [通讯] http://kemcogame.com/c8QM [Face****页面] http://www.face****.com/kemco.global (C)2016年KEMCO / EXE-CREATE
更新日志 版本更新于2017年11月15日
ver.1.1.2g - Minor bug fixes.